Synthesis of Barium Hydroxide Nano Particles

Samples of Barium hydroxide were prepared from the reaction of barium  nitrate  in the presence of sodium and potassium hydroxide. I had made three samples with different time.
Oval:  Ba(OH)2
Oval: Ba(NO3)2

Oval: NaOH



Oval:     Ba(OH)2


                                              Fig 2.1 Reactants and Products

Horizontal Scroll: Sample # 1                   
                                      Calculation of Ba(OH)2 for 12h
(8/100) x 2.5 = 0.125g
Ba(NO3)2 : 2.5 – 0.125g = 2.375g
Ba(NO3)2 : 0.125g                                               
NaOH : 5.15g
KOH : 4.85g

Horizontal Scroll: Sample # 2

Calculation of Ba(OH)2 for 8h
(4 /100) x 2.5 = 0.25g
Ba(NO3)2 : 2.5 – 0.25g = 2.25g
Ba(NO3)2 : 0.25g
NaOH : 5.15g
KOH : 4.85gHorizontal Scroll: Sample # 3

Calculation of Ba(OH)2 for 4h
(4 /100) x 2.5 = 0.25g
Ba(NO3)2 : 2.5 – 0.25g = 2.25g
Ba(NO3)2 : 0.25g
NaOH : 5.15g
KOH : 4.85g
I put all the chemicals according to their concentration in three Teflon beakers separately and put them in the furnace at 220OC for three different time 12, 8, 4 hours. After this, I took beakers from the furnace and let them cool at room temperature. Then I wash the samples with the distilled water to remove deposited hydroxides from the surface of particles and then filtered them. White colored powder is obtained. Then, samples are ready for characterization.

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